Gary Katz, CEO & Founder of Katz Water Technologies Attends USSOCOM Innovation Foundry (IF16) Event as a Selected Subject Matter Expert.

August 20-22, 2024

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM’s Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T), recently hosted the 16th Innovation Foundry Event (IF16) at their Tampa, FL location. The event brought together Special Operations Forces (SOF), industry leaders, academics, national labs, government representatives, and futurists for a facilitated design-thinking exercise focused on future SOF missions and scenarios.

The theme for IF16, “Contested Logistics in Future SOF Operations,” explored the logistical challenges faced by SOF operators who need to secure parts, components, and supplies in remote, untethered environments. Out of 316 submissions, 62 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were selected to participate in this collaborative event, alongside 30 additional government observers, both onsite and virtually.

SMEs worked in teams to brainstorm and develop innovative concepts to overcome these logistical obstacles. On the final day, teams presented their solutions to government representatives. Insights gained from IF16 will guide future efforts to enhance USSOCOM’s operational capabilities.


USSOCOM Innovation Foundry IF16 Event: A Glimpse into the Future of Special Operations

The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Innovation Foundry (IF) series has long served as a platform for rapid ideation and technology development to address the unique challenges the special operations community faces. The IF16 event was no exception, showcasing cutting-edge solutions and fostering collaboration among various sectors to tackle pressing national security concerns.

The Purpose of IF16

Innovation Foundry events, including IF16, are designed to bring together the best minds from industry, academia, government, and the military. The goal is to develop groundbreaking solutions in a short period, with the ultimate objective of enhancing the capabilities of USSOCOM and its partners. These collaborative events are crucial for identifying emerging technologies and innovative ideas that can support the needs of Special Operations Forces (SOF).

Key Focus Areas

The IF16 event was centered on several key areas of focus for SOF. These include:

  1. Advanced Autonomous Systems: Exploring the use of AI and machine learning to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. Human Performance Optimization: Finding new ways to improve the physical and cognitive abilities of SOF personnel.
  3. Cybersecurity and Information Operations: Addressing the growing need for robust cyber defense and information dominance.
  4. Unmanned Systems: Investigating the latest advancements in unmanned aerial, ground, and maritime systems to provide greater flexibility and capability to SOF units.
  5. Resilient Networks: Developing secure and reliable communication networks that can withstand adversarial interference and extreme conditions.

Industry and Academic Participation

The IF16 event drew participation from a wide array of innovators and technologists. Industry leaders, startup entrepreneurs, and academic experts were invited to present their cutting-edge research and prototypes. The event provided a platform for these participants to interact directly with the operators who would eventually use the technologies in the field.

The outcome of the Event

As with previous Innovation Foundry events, IF16 fostered a spirit of collaboration and innovation. Many of the concepts and technologies presented during the event are expected to move forward into more advanced development phases. In the long term, these solutions could play a pivotal role in maintaining the operational advantage of USSOCOM in an increasingly complex global security environment.

The IF16 event once again demonstrated the power of collaboration in addressing national security challenges and underscored the importance of continuous innovation in Special Operations.

For more information, visit SOFWERX at 1925 E 2nd Ave, Ste. 102, Tampa, FL, or explore their work at

About Gary Katz – A Team Two SME

Gary Katz, J.D. is a U.S. Patent Attorney and the CEO & founder of Katz Water Technologies.  Gary Katz’s  technical experience includes, water monitoring, water purification, remote sensing, alternative energy, and critical materials recovery including lithium and rare earth elements.  Gary Katz received a B.S. (Geology) and a J.D. from Rutgers University, and over 25 years of experience in scientific research, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property with ExxonMobil, law firms, and startups. 

About Katz Water Technologies:

Katz Water Technologies (KWT) addresses global freshwater depletion, focusing initially on water management in the oil and gas sector. Our innovative technology monitors and purifies contaminated produced water on-site, reducing disposal costs and environmental impact through novel thermal distillation methods. KWT is also developing a solar-powered X-VAP system that purifies water without electricity or fuel, offering sustainable solutions for energy-limited areas. Our company has earned recognition through various awards and milestones, including numerous patents and grants for its groundbreaking technology.

 For more details, visit: Katz Water Technologies.

Press Contacts:

SOFWERX; Marcus Tatum 

Katz Water Technologies; 

Source: Katz Water Technologies Inc., along with data from SOFWERX.

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